at the bank, upon opening a new account earlier today
Teller (while filling up my form): so you work?
Me: yes
Teller: as a....
Me: *mentioned position*
Teller: where, may i ask?
Me: *mentioned work place*
Teller: and that is...
Me: *mentioned what it is*
Teller: so what basically do you do at work?
Me: *mentioned job-desc*
Teller: why?
Me: i'm sorry?
Teller: why do you like that?
Me: i don't think i said i liked it
Teller: how are you enjoying it?
Me: it's okay. i'm still figuring things out
Teller: so the things you have figured out so far, do you enjoy it?
Me (in my head): HOLY COW AM I THAT OBVIOUS? i don't even hate it yet. i am not there yet. not at all. just, still, pondering over the subject... pondering over the dream... but HEY you are NOT supposed to intimidate!
ga kebayang pembicaraan itu dalam bahasa indonesia.
Could u just answer the poor teller question?!
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