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Monday, April 18, 2011

Strange Strangers

at the bank, upon opening a new account earlier today

Teller (while filling up my form):
so you work?
Me: yes
Teller: as a....
Me: *mentioned position*
Teller: where, may i ask?
Me: *mentioned work place*
Teller: and that is...
Me: *mentioned what it is*
Teller: so what basically do you do at work?
Me: *mentioned job-desc*
Teller: why?
Me: i'm sorry?
Teller: why do you like that?
Me: i don't think i said i liked it
Teller: how are you enjoying it?
Me: it's okay. i'm still figuring things out
Teller: so the things you have figured out so far, do you enjoy it?
Me (in my head): HOLY COW AM I THAT OBVIOUS? i don't even hate it yet. i am not there yet. not at all. just, still, pondering over the subject... pondering over the dream... but HEY you are NOT supposed to intimidate!


novy E said...

ga kebayang pembicaraan itu dalam bahasa indonesia.

orangutanz said...

Could u just answer the poor teller question?!
