Thought provoking, information sharing, mindless ranting, non-stop laughing, knowledge giving, sometimes teaching, unnecessary scrutinizing, over analyzing. Coffee sipping, cake chewing, again ordering. Forgetting but soon continuing, ending and soon starting, theory revising, time ignoring, legs folding, ideas generating. Foot switching, heavens shifting. Never sleeping, quiet but thinking, in silence drowning. Finding, discussing, unrelenting, relaxing. Over the littlest string. Like where the busker learned to sing, or why the city's buses mess up precise timing. why TV has gotten boring and which of the daily paper is of our liking. We haven't covered stereotyping.
Complaining, praising.
Nodding, disagreeing.
On living, being,
Seeing, listening.
On sentence constructing,
Grammar criticizing.
On rhyming.
And basically, anything.
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