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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

less vain-living

Things have been exciting lately. I finally gave up on my idle days and started waking up at a quarter to 6 every morning, with monthly income to motivate me. That, and the fear that has lingered longer than I thought it would, the fear that suggests excessive consumption of instant noodles and snacks all those slow morning and long evenings has resulted in the decreasing of my brain function. I started losing track of my points when conversing and the first 30 minutes of each writing attempts are usually spent on ferocious hitting of the backspace, even when a page is empty. Not to mention the eventual clicking of the 'save as draft' option. So yes, It was about time.

School-load has been merciless. Not so much the amount of work as the amount of GROUP work. Group works has never been my forte and I don't even have the heart to lie about it in my CV. The past days basically consisted of messages and group meeting reminders, one of which ended up with me doing the work and the rest of the group watching DVD. You see the only positive note I can make on the type of class work is the fact that I get to have free food and snacks from whoever hosts the meeting. Yes you're right, I never host group meetings.

I have also been much more informed and attached to the world the past weeks as anyone would be had their job-desc included the reading of at least 3 papers every morning, an activity that serves as a daily reminder I am not yet where I want to be.

Anyhow, News, is news. An everlasting political mess, which I have begun to find interest in as I started realizing the entertaining side to the chaos. A representative from the country's arguably most conservative party was caught concentrating on porn during the House of Representative plenary meeting last Friday. And then there is the super-boobed Malinda Dee, Citibank's ex-senior manager, who looted money from the accounts of customers who were too goddamn rich to realize their billion rupiahs missing--I hope I never get to be that rich. Caterpillars plague has spread further in several regions in the country (which news-photos I would always ALWAYS wince at, followed by an abrupt slapping of the page). Oh, and France's Sarkozy bans burqas from the country.

Reading the paper and expecting peace is like taking a dump and expecting Victoria's Secret. Lifestyle and culture pages is the closest you get to anything odoriferous (at last, a chance to use the word!).

Days have become short. Time, insufficient. Need for time, insatiable. Weekends, much more appreciated. And I am glad, all's beginning to regain order.

So long as the unfavorable issues remain ignored, at least until emergency calls.